ISOL Awards 2018




The Advisory Committee of the World Congress on Vedic Foundations of Management Science, to be organized at The Oriental Institute of Chicago, University of Chicago; invites the applications/nominations for various ISOL Awards.

Please send your nominations latest by July 31, 2018

  • Please give us much detail supporting your nomination.
  • Title of the effort/impact/research
  • Not more than five references
  • 1. You will accept ISOL Organizing Committee's decision on the award category that the application is eligible for.2. You will make all reasonable efforts to attend the award ceremony at The Oriental Institute of Chicago, University of Chicago on September 11-15, 2018.3. Any photos, video and quotes taken from the event and application process can be used in anyISOL literature or promotional activities4. To the best of your ability, you will keep ISOL informed of any changes in contact details and of any press releases that are issued related to the impact.The named lead contact will be the individual approached for all communications relating to the application.For queries relating to your application please email:Sunita Singh Sengupta, Ph.D.; Conference;