National Advisory Committee

Swami Jitatmananda

Swami Jitatmananda is a monk of the Ramakrishna order. He is Vice President of Sree Sree Ramakrishna Satyananda Aalam Bazar Math. Alam Bazar Math was established by Swami Vivekananda, where the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna did tapasya during 1892 to 1898. It is to this Alambazar Math that Swami Vivekananda entered on the very evening he came back to Calcutta after his western conquest, and he lived here, with occasional gaps from 19 February 1897 to February 1898. He was the editor of Prabaddha Bharat (1987-1989), the monthly English journal started by Swami Vivekananda in 1896. On invitation, he visited Singapore Malaysia (1994), and again Hong Kong, Australia, Fiji and New Zealand (1995) where he spoke in some forty institutions on Vedanta, Modern Management and Modern Science. In 1998 the Swami went on invitation from the Government of Sri Lanka. In 1999 the Swami was chosen as the chief representative of the Government of India for International Millennium Celebration organized by Chicago Mayor at Chicago. Thereafter he lectured in New York, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Berkeley, Sacramento, Portland, Hollywood and other cities. In August 2000 he was invited by the United Nation for the Millennium world, where he spoke on the Neo-Hinduism of Sri Ramakrishna in the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations, New York. In 2004 he was invited to address the scientists` conference in the Paris UNESCO headquarters.

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